Submission Guidelines for the International Public Policy Review – 2019 Issue


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By Isabella Duan, Silvia Molino, Tiago Medeiros Delgado, Detmer Kremer

The following guidelines aim to assist you when considering submitting your work to the International Public Policy Review. They clarify our expectations for work we aim to publish. Your work does not have to meet all of these standards by the time of submission, as there are rounds of peer review, but they can be a helpful guideline when writing.


Your abstract must systematically organize some important elements of your research in a sequence by which readers could follow logically and in a clear and concise language. The length is also the key—normally it should be within 200-350 words and no more than 2 paragraphs.

Focus on the following key points:

(i) Inclusion of key elements—What is the importance of your research? What is your author’s method or data sources? What are the key findings or conclusions of your research? What is the value-added or originality of your work within the field?

(ii) Logical coherence—make sure you organize these elements in a logical way that your readers could follow easily


Your introduction must give context, focus the essay by illuminating what the central issue is, and provide a thesis statement. A good introduction orients readers by providing information and explanations whenever necessary for the readers’ understanding.

Focus on the following key points:

(i) Contexts—everything you consider necessary to familiarize or refresh the minds of readers to be ready for the rest of your essay. After giving appropriate contexts, you are also encouraged to indicate scope of the topic you would like to address and a a brief outline of the structure of the essay.

(ii) Clarity—avoid the use of words people with general knowledge who do not possess professional knowledge in the field may not comprehend. You are encouraged to give clarification or definition on a key term.

Body Paragraphs
Your body of paragraphs will address the problem/research question presented in your introduction. In this section, you are expected to present the methods you used to develop your article. You are also expected to critically engage with the literature on the topic discussed and develop your argument in a clear manner.

Focus on the following key points:
(i) Clear presentation of the argument – present the argument that guides the article in addressing the research question/problem proposed.
(ii) Critical discussion of the literature – your article effectively engages with the literature on the topic
(iii) Methodology – your article presents a clear methodology to address the question/problem proposed
(iv) Discussion of results – your article arrives at clear results and discuss them with relation to your argument.

Your conclusion must make a good summary of the ideas presented by your article and must address the research question that guided your article. It must present your main arguments and make clear to the reader what contribution your article presents to the issue discussed.

Focus on the following key points:
(i) Summary of ideas – the conclusion must summarise the key points developed throughout your article, demonstrating how you addressed the problem proposed in your research question.
(ii) Presentation of an original solution or proposal to the problem discussed – make sure your article effectively addresses the research question it discussed in an original way; show your article has a clear position and is not just a presentation of what has already been said.
(iii) Objectivity – Your article has both general and specific objectives. Make sure they have been achieved by highlighting the central ideas discussed.
(iv) Cohesion – make sure your conclusion interacts properly with the other sections of the text, not making assumptions that were not previously addressed or introducing new topics that were not discussed.


A good bibliography must be complete and consistent in its citation style. It must apply appropriate citations for different types of sources and include weblinks where appropriate. The appendix must be organized, contain relevant items, and be referenced in the text.

Focus on the Following Key Points

(i) Consistency – Make sure your applied citation method is used consistently throughout your paper, and used correctly for different types of sources

(ii) Relevance – ensure that the additional documents in your appendix are relevant to your topic.

(iii) Completion – Cite all relevant sources and keep a copy of your notes you can use as a review after you finished your essay to double-check you covered everything. This is a really helpful safeguard against plagiarism


Good research will include and engage contemporary developments in the particular field. This can mean a range of voices, or more recent publications from the main theorist the piece engages in. It is relevant to a particular case(s) or theory. If the piece writes about current events, these events must be relevant to the specific topic and be drawn from legitimate and varied news sources. If no mainstream news sources are available based on the nature of the event, the author must engage with why the source drawn from is reliable. Data sets must also be derived from reliable sources, and research involving living participants must have received UCL ethics clearance.

Focus on the Following Key Points

(i) Relevance – Research has to be current and connected to your research topic. Make sure you are up to date with the status of relevant debates. If you include current events, make sure they are connected to your topic and as up-to-date as possible.

(ii) Methodology – discuss your methodology, and where appropriate the ethical implications of and clearances required for that methodology. Engage with where your sources come from and why those sources are relevant.

(iii) Diversity – As theoretical debates contain many sides, ensure your discussion of a particular theory engages with critiques. Good research will include different perspectives on an issue.

(iv) Argument – You are welcome, and encouraged, to make and defend an argument, and you have the responsibility to ensure that your claim is supported by your research, while also responding to its (possible) critiques


An excellent paper will be well structured and effectively organised, guiding the reader through its content with ease. Ideas should be logically arranged, with a strong and sophisticated progression of thought between paragraphs. An excellent structure will also include all the required basic components of an academic paper (Title, Abstract, Introduction, Main Body, Conclusion, Bibliography, Appendix).

Focus on the following key points:

(i) Paragraphs development – Paragraphs are well organised and should follow a logical structure which guides the reader through the paper. The argument should build through the paragraphs and flow from the introduction to the conclusion.

(ii) Clarity of Structure – The paper should be organised in clear sections (e.g. Title, Abstract, Introduction, Body, Conclusion, Bibliography) which help to organise the paper in a logical manner. Each section should be well defined and properly structured, at the same time working towards the overall cohesion of the paper.

Language/Writing Style

Writing style should exhibit a high degree of accuracy and attention to logic and reasoning of the points presented. The writing should be articulated with very few and minor grammatical or syntactical errors. Words choice should be appropriate for an academic journal, while prioritising clarity and effectiveness of communication.

Focus on the following key points:

(i) Writing style and clarity of expression – writing styles may vary, however the adopted style should be used consistently throughout the paper. The language used should be of an appropriate level for an academic paper and avoid unnecessary academic jargons, making use of technical terms in an appropriate manner.

(ii) Word Choice – Personal writing style notwithstanding, writing should be clear and accurate in order to effectively convey the proposed argument. Titles can take many shapes and forms. However, they must always refer to the main argument of the paper. Therefore, the use of key and appropriate wording is of particular importance.

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Disclaimer: This post reflects solely the opinion of the authors and should not be taken to represent the general views of IPPR’s management/ editorial team or those of fellow authors…